June 1st
Moon. Best 60% of  68 images, 0.17 sec, OIII filter

Crop of Mare Imbrium

There are two distinctive craters in Mare Imbrium, Helicon and Le Verrier.
I had a look at the smaller craters Le Verrier A, B, C etc, to see the smallest ones I could detect.
Le Verrier X is 3km across
There is a 3.6 km crater just below Le Verrier which I can also just about make out.

(image from Wikipedia)

The Moon was 362133km away at the time of the image.
A 3km crater subtends an angle of 1.7 arc seconds at this distance.
The images are at 0.87arc seconds per pixel, so it looks like I will struggle to detect anything much smaller than Le Verrier X.

June 23rd
Quasar PS1 J161737.78+595020.1  
This is now the most distant object I have imaged.
It has a redshift of 4.351 which puts it at 12.299 billion light years.
This is the time of light travel - universe expansion means the quasar is now at 24.572 billion light years distance from us.

Astrometry confirms the objects location:

June 25th

Supernova in M85
I had retired for the night and then saw on Twitter that there was a reported supernova in galaxy M85.

The sky was cloudy, mostly thin high level stuff and I could only get two 600 second images.
The SN was visible, only just.

The magnitude was 17.0

It has since been classified as a type 1a supernova